Leadership Archives - Alpha https://alpha.org/category/leadership/ Thu, 19 Aug 2021 20:38:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Nicky Gumbel’s Call to the Church in This Unique Season https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-nicky-gumbels-call-to-the-church-in-this-unique-season/ Thu, 05 Aug 2021 20:40:22 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4818 Nicky Gumbel is well-known for being a voice of hope in the Church and beyond. This message from Nicky, preached at the Leadership Conference this past May, is no exception. With incredible optimism and thoughtfulness, Nicky calls the people of God to consider their role in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the new world […]

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Nicky Gumbel is well-known for being a voice of hope in the Church and beyond. This message from Nicky, preached at the Leadership Conference this past May, is no exception. With incredible optimism and thoughtfulness, Nicky calls the people of God to consider their role in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the new world emerging from this pandemic. He shares three key areas where the Church must rise to the occasion; those areas being how we love, how we implement justice, and how we share the good news about Jesus.

We hope you are encouraged to live out the role God would have you play as the world steps into a new, unique season.


Show Notes

The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark

Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman


Nicky Gumbel is the pioneer of Alpha and Vicar of HTB in London, one of the largest Church of England churches in the UK. He is the author of many books and is married to Pippa.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Maryam & Marziyeh https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-maryam-marziyeh/ Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:45:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4711 This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh from June 2014. Listen as Nicky talks to Maryam and Marziyeh on how they found Jesus, being imprisoned for sharing their faith & surviving Iran’s most notorious prison. In June of 2014, Nicky Gumbel sat down with Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh […]

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This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh from June 2014. Listen as Nicky talks to Maryam and Marziyeh on how they found Jesus, being imprisoned for sharing their faith & surviving Iran’s most notorious prison.

In June of 2014, Nicky Gumbel sat down with Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh – Iranian evangelists and survivors of one of the world’s darkest places: the notorious Evin Prison. In this conversation, Maryam and Marziyeh recount their 259 days in captivity, and how this hell on earth was a place of unlikely grace.

Once both Maryam and Marziyeh came to know Jesus separately after years of questioning and searching, they met each other and decided to go on mission together illegally distributing Bibles in Iran. The two of them were so effective that authorities began to take notice. “Officials announced in parliament that a big Christian group had started distributing Bibles … in reality it was just us two girls with backpacks” says Marziyeh. Maryam and Marziyeh’s efforts to evangelize Iran region by region, were cut short one fateful day when they received a phone call from the police station.

After multiple interrogations, and 14 days in a cold, damp detention centre, the two of them were ultimately transported to Evin Prison – a prison where people are routinely tortured, abused, and violated. For Maryam and Marziyeh, this prison would become home for the next 259 days. In the midst of the brutal conditions and the constant threat of execution, the both of them made their jail cell a mission field, continuing to share the good news of Jesus. Marziyeh reflects on the experience saying “Everywhere can be a church – even a dark, brutal place like prison.” Against all odds, Evin Prison would become the only church many of these prisoners had ever known.

Perhaps the most compelling part of the interview comes towards the end, when Maryam responds to the question “What kept you going?” She says with deep conviction, that without God’s presence and power, both of them would not have been able to handle even one day in prison. Both Maryam and Marziyeh remarkably attribute every miracle, every prayer, every moment where the gospel was shared to the God who sustained them – the God who turned Iran’s darkest prison into a church.

We hope you are inspired and challenged as you listen to the story of these two great women of faith.


Show Notes

Captive in Iran by Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh


In 2009 in Iran, Maryam and Marziyeh were imprisoned and sentenced to death because of their Christian faith. Maryam and Marziyeh were born into Muslim families but converted to Christianity and began to share the Gospel with those around them. They were arrested in March 2009 after being accused of evangelism and apostasy. After 259 days in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison they were released.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Archbishop Thabo Makgoba https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-archbishop-thabo-makgoba/ Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:45:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4712 Ut praesentium et nemo consequatur debitis vitae quaerat aut repellat commodi doloribus assumenda nisi est et eaque similique officia quo reprehenderit quaerat cum laudantium dolores modi itaque voluptas non eaque voluptas quia quia velit aliquid molestiae perferendis ea enim doloribus suscipit et neque eligendi aut autem soluta quis deserunt ad eveniet sed non consequuntur praesentium.

Eaque magnam nam enim et porro perferendis aliquam earum vitae minus eligendi non nisi veniam fugiat dolore voluptatibus cumque aliquam quasi ab sed vitae et recusandae voluptatum dicta possimus modi vero quis at et quis inventore id et totam eaque excepturi et reprehenderit repellendus provident placeat est veniam quibusdam minima corrupti qui ea non et rem vero non accusamus atque facilis in.

Illo porro et tempore commodi nesciunt aut rerum voluptatem facere harum debitis distinctio molestiae odio corporis eaque error sapiente ullam dolorem porro aliquid quia illum et hic totam magni et incidunt fuga minima porro dolores iste saepe adipisci corporis sit id ipsa quisquam ad harum facilis suscipit expedita reiciendis praesentium dolores autem cupiditate ullam vel eligendi qui ab ut et quod deserunt ut qui ullam architecto provident officia illo cumque hic in neque officia saepe explicabo quae non eaque aut vero.

Tempora ipsam esse incidunt pariatur soluta dolores voluptatem sint omnis eos similique et voluptatem quo dolores et sint est cum dicta consequatur consequatur eum expedita tempora nemo omnis ullam vitae sunt autem eos enim fugiat ad unde dolorem similique debitis aut non corporis iusto harum cumque est necessitatibus consequatur et expedita quasi sunt voluptatem soluta eum atque quis sint ut non et velit eum dolores rerum non aut velit quisquam omnis quam quo suscipit cumque ab porro doloribus repellat amet reiciendis officia voluptatem vero fuga et ut voluptatum error nihil hic tempore tenetur occaecati.

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This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Archbishop Thabo Makgoba from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Archbishop Thabo about his dream for South Africa, forgiveness in the midst of injustice and building a relationship with Nelson Mandela.

This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Archbishop Thabo Makgoba from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Archbishop Thabo is the youngest person to ever be elected to the position of Archbishop, and it was not by accident. Makgoba overcame profound injustice and adversity to become the reconciling, loving and justice-seeking leader that the South African Church needs. In this interview, Nicky asks him questions about his upbringing facing apartheid, how he holds a forgiving disposition, his relationship with the late Nelson Mandela & more.

To start the conversation, Nicky has Archbishop Thabo rewind to his days as a youth, growing up in a dangerous region of South Africa. The Archbishop shares heartbreaking stories of the racial injustice, and gang violence he and his family had to endure. Despite the unfair suffering, the listener can’t help but pick up on the lack of bitterness and resentment in the Archbishop’s recollection. Makgoba stands today as an example of the healing work possible for those who forgive with the help of the Spirit. He quotes his mother, a great example to him in the area of forgiveness, “Jesus is bigger than your pain, and so the most important thing you can do before bed is either give your pain to God or resolve it with the person who has caused it.”

For the bulk of the interview, Nicky asks Makgoba to share about his unique relationship with the great Nelson Mandela in his final years. The Archbishop humbly shares about the relationship he was able to build with the anti-apartheid revolutionary. He describes the moments of prayer, the laughs they shared and what Mandela implicitly and explicitly taught him.

Archbishop Thabo is also an incredible example of someone who walks the walk of fighting against injustice, as he spends much of his time and energy advocating for the poorest of the poor in South Africa. In fact, his love for the poor even impacts the shoes he wears when he preaches. “During prayer and reflection from the pulpit, I wear my running shoes so that afterwards I can run to picket, and defend the poor” says the Archbishop. The Archbishop lives a life marked by Jesus’ words to have concern and compassion for the least of these.

We hope you enjoy this conversation with South Africa’s ever-impressive, ever-inspiring Archbishop Thabo Makgoba.


Show Notes

Faith & Courage: Praying with Mandela by Archbishop Thabo Makgoba


The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town was born in 1960 and grew up in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg. He holds a BSc, a BA(Honours) in Applied Psychology, and a MEd in Educational Psychology, all from the University of the Witwatersrand. He lectured at Wits University and was Dean of Knockando Residence at Wits College of Education (formerly Johannesburg College of Education – JCE), as well as Senior Lecturer. He is married to Lungi Manona and they have two children, Nyakallo and Paballo. He recently authored the book: Faith & Courage – Praying with Mandela.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Rick & Kay Warren https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-rick-kay-warren/ Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:35:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/sit-ducimus-facere-aspernatur-quia/ This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel, Kay Warren and Rick Warren from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Rick & Kay about navigating the pain of loss, building resiliency & rebuilding in the post-pandemic world. This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel, Kay Warren and Rick Warren from […]

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This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel, Kay Warren and Rick Warren from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Rick & Kay about navigating the pain of loss, building resiliency & rebuilding in the post-pandemic world.

This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel, Kay Warren and Rick Warren from this year’s online Leadership Conference. With the realities of the Pandemic still affecting people globally, Nicky gets Rick and Kay to discuss a quality that we all need to cultivate in this time – the quality of resilience.

Rick and Kay are beyond qualified for a conversation like this, as the two of them have a devastating history littered with pain and suffering. Pippa asks Kay specifically about “the scars” she’s received over the years. Kay honestly lists them – her past cancer diagnosis, the tragic death of her son, the sexual abuse she suffered at a young age and more. These experiences have made both Rick and Kay deep wells of insight for those wondering how they might begin to cultivate resilience and suffer well. Kay encourages listeners that “resilience is a skill that can be learned” as she shares her tried wisdom for watering that posture in your life.

Not only is this interview helpful to those who are suffering, but also to those who are walking alongside someone who is in pain. Rick addresses the latter audience directly, offering an important lesson – “the deeper the pain, the fewer words you use.” They both recount how they experienced this on the night of their son’s death, as their small group held them in their son’s driveway without saying a word. Rick encourages listeners to offer the ministry of their presence, before the ministry of their words, with the main goal being not to cheer up the sufferer, but to grieve well with them.

To close, Nicky asks both Kay and Rick what is helping to keep their hope for the future intact. The two of them reference God’s character and how He moved in the post-exile era of Israel’s history. They remind listeners that God is a trustworthy rebuilder, and that we need to be prepared not to “resume” but to “reset” to what He wants to do.

To those who are especially hurting at this time, we hope you find great comfort and encouragement through this conversation. On behalf of the team at Alpha, we want to thank Rick and Kay for sharing with such rawness and vulnerability. This interview was both heartbreaking and inspiring.


Show Notes

Saddleback Church

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren

Sacred Privilege by Kay Warren

Choose Joy by Kay Warren

Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren


Rick and Kay Warren are pastors, authors and global influencers. They founded Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California in 1980. Since then Saddleback has become one of the most influential churches in the United States and Rick and Kay continue to be at the forefront of the evangelical movement, encouraging churches everywhere to be a sanctuary for hope and healing.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Heidy Quah https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-heidy-quah/ Fri, 21 May 2021 01:21:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/unde-voluptas-eos-velit-animi-cumque-voluptatem/ This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Heidy Quah from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Heidy Quah about becoming an advocate for refugees at age 18, where her courage comes from & her advice for aspiring young difference makers. This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and […]

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This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Heidy Quah from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Heidy Quah about becoming an advocate for refugees at age 18, where her courage comes from & her advice for aspiring young difference makers.

This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Heidy Quah from this year’s online Leadership Conference. It seems as though Heidy has accomplished enough for a lifetime, but all by the age of 26. After founding Refuge for the Refugee at age 18, Heidy has been a part of impacting hundreds of thousands of refugees. Heidy also specializes in taking on highly complex human trafficking cases, as well as advising corporations on their anti-slavery and human trafficking policies. In this conversation, she sits down with Nicky to discuss her leadership journey, where her courage comes from, her advice for aspiring young difference makers & more.

Heidy grew up in a Buddhist home, and almost “accidentally” invited Jesus into her life in her teenage years (you’ll have to hear the story from her). Since then, Heidy says there was “a really strong stirring that [her] life had been marked [by God].” What followed acceptance of Jesus was exactly that – a life lived in conviction and profound obedience unto the displaced and disenfranchised. Heidy & her teams have made such an impact on the refugee population that she was even recognized by the Queen, being awarded the Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2017. But the territory and the impact never comes without friction and pushback.

Heidy honestly shares in this interview about the anxiety she feels due to the reprisal experienced standing on the frontlines advocating for refugees. “It’s often a daily decision to wake up and say ‘I’ll be obedient despite knowing the backlash …’” Heidy shares with Nicky. With the anxiety and dangers in full view, Heidy continues to talk about how she needs to be obedient to the call God has on her life; “obedience” being the word that surfaces most often in this interview.

For leaders of all ages, Heidy serves to be an example of what a life wrung out for Christ and those close to His heart looks like. Especially if you are a young leader, we hope you enjoy this conversation, and are reminded that positive impact is possible no matter your age.


Show Notes

Refuge for the Refugees


Heidy Quah is a 26-year-old human rights activist who founded Refuge For The Refugees [RFTR], a one-stop centre that looks into advocating for the rights of refugees in Malaysia. Almost a decade into working with underserved populations, Heidy specializes in taking on highly complex human trafficking cases, as well as advising corporations on their anti-slavery and human trafficking policies. Heidy is currently an Associate Professor at Taylors Lakeside University, and a supervisor to a PHD candidate in Australia Catholic University. Heidy’s work over the past decade has seen her recognized regionally and globally, winning two notable awards – The Queen’s Young Leaders Award and the South East Asia Women Of The Future Award, marking some of the best practices in the region.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Francis Collins https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-francis-collins/ Fri, 07 May 2021 20:09:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/aut-error-quo-qui-ipsum/ Ut praesentium et nemo consequatur debitis vitae quaerat aut repellat commodi doloribus assumenda nisi est et eaque similique officia quo reprehenderit quaerat cum laudantium dolores modi itaque voluptas non eaque voluptas quia quia velit aliquid molestiae perferendis ea enim doloribus suscipit et neque eligendi aut autem soluta quis deserunt ad eveniet sed non consequuntur praesentium.

Eaque magnam nam enim et porro perferendis aliquam earum vitae minus eligendi non nisi veniam fugiat dolore voluptatibus cumque aliquam quasi ab sed vitae et recusandae voluptatum dicta possimus modi vero quis at et quis inventore id et totam eaque excepturi et reprehenderit repellendus provident placeat est veniam quibusdam minima corrupti qui ea non et rem vero non accusamus atque facilis in.

Illo porro et tempore commodi nesciunt aut rerum voluptatem facere harum debitis distinctio molestiae odio corporis eaque error sapiente ullam dolorem porro aliquid quia illum et hic totam magni et incidunt fuga minima porro dolores iste saepe adipisci corporis sit id ipsa quisquam ad harum facilis suscipit expedita reiciendis praesentium dolores autem cupiditate ullam vel eligendi qui ab ut et quod deserunt ut qui ullam architecto provident officia illo cumque hic in neque officia saepe explicabo quae non eaque aut vero.

Tempora ipsam esse incidunt pariatur soluta dolores voluptatem sint omnis eos similique et voluptatem quo dolores et sint est cum dicta consequatur consequatur eum expedita tempora nemo omnis ullam vitae sunt autem eos enim fugiat ad unde dolorem similique debitis aut non corporis iusto harum cumque est necessitatibus consequatur et expedita quasi sunt voluptatem soluta eum atque quis sint ut non et velit eum dolores rerum non aut velit quisquam omnis quam quo suscipit cumque ab porro doloribus repellat amet reiciendis officia voluptatem vero fuga et ut voluptatum error nihil hic tempore tenetur occaecati.

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This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Francis Collins from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Listen as Nicky talks to Dr. Francis Collins on leading in the fight against COVID, reconciling faith with science, and why he’s hopeful for our future.

This is the full conversation between Nicky Gumbel and Francis Collins from this year’s online Leadership Conference. Francis Collins is a leader and intellect of magnitude. In the past, Francis led a team of over 2000 scientists in 6 different countries in the incredible feat of accurately sequencing the 3 billion nucleotide base pairs in the human genome. Today, he works as the director of the National Institutes of Health, helping Dr. Anthony Fauci move the USA through the COVID-19 crisis.

At the core of all that Francis does today is a vibrant, life-giving relationship with Jesus – though that wasn’t always the case. In his early life, Francis would have described himself at different points as an agnostic or atheist. Growing up in an intellectual home, from Francis’ perspective there didn’t seem to be much room for faith, religion and God. It wasn’t until Francis was in his 20’s at the bedside of a dying senior woman that he began to ask himself what he truly believed about the ultimate questions in life. After two years of researching and discovering the Christian God, Francis gave his life over to Jesus.

Since then, Francis has been an advocate for the complementary nature of science and faith. To Francis, the two are not mutually exclusive but they work together to build out an awesome picture of God. “In my experience, science and faith coexist on a daily basis” says Francis reflecting on over 4 decades as a Christian scientist. He encourages people to read both God’s words in the Bible (faith), and to study God’s work in creation (science). In this interview, Nicky and Francis discuss the above as well as the undertaking of the Human Genome Project, Francis’ reflections on the pandemic and why he remains hopeful for the future moving through the COVID-19 crisis.

We hope you enjoy this conversation with one of the world’s most brilliant thinkers and scientific contributors.


Show Notes

The Human Genome Project

The Language of God by Francis Collins

BioLogos Foundation

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis


Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. was appointed the 16th Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate. He was sworn in on August 17, 2009. In this role, Dr. Collins oversees the work of the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world, spanning the spectrum from basic to clinical research. Dr. Collins is a physician-geneticist noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the international Human Genome Project, which culminated in April 2003 with the completion of a finished sequence of the human DNA instruction book. He served as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH from 1993-2008.

Dr. Collins is an elected member of both the National Academy of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in November 2007, and received the National Medal of Science in 2009. In 2020, he was elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (UK) and was also named the 50th winner of the Templeton Prize, which celebrates scientific and spiritual curiosity.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Rebecca Stewart https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-rebecca-stewart/ Fri, 23 Apr 2021 23:39:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4145 For today’s conversation, we are sharing a highly practical interview from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Rebecca Stewart where they discuss how to effectively interview someone, the right way to let a team member go, and the obligation to dissent. For today’s conversation, we are sharing a highly practical interview from […]

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For today’s conversation, we are sharing a highly practical interview from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Rebecca Stewart where they discuss how to effectively interview someone, the right way to let a team member go, and the obligation to dissent.

For today’s conversation, we are sharing a highly practical interview from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Rebecca Stewart from 2019. Rebecca started her own headhunting company called Goldstar Partners in 2015. With her extensive experience in headhunting, as well as in management and executive roles, Rebecca is a great resource for any organization looking to assemble the best team possible.

Nicky begins the interview in a humanizing manner, asking Rebecca to share about her and her husband Alex’s difficult journey of conception. Doctors told Rebecca early on that “medically speaking, it would be impossible for [them] to have children.” A decade of barrenness ensued, and all the while, Rebecca and Alex held tightly to a prophetic word that “the doctors wouldn’t have the final say.” In 2019, in front of Royal Albert Hall, Rebecca testifies to the miracle that the Stewart’s are not just a couple but a family of 4. In her words, “God can do remarkable things in the years of waiting.”

The conversation takes a turn to the practical, as Nicky gets Rebecca to draw from all of her headhunting experience, asking her questions like: how do you spot great people? How do you interview them? How do you let go of people who aren’t the right fit? Rebecca steps into the weeds, offering practical insight to each question. Her responses cover themes such as the 4 C’s to consider when hiring someone, the usefulness of silence & informality in an interview setting, and what “leadership hats” need to be worn to let someone go in a dignified manner. If you’re the one in your organization who is responsible for hiring and firing, this is the section to bring out the notebook and take notes.

To close, Rebecca puts Nicky on the hot seat, asking him to share one important rule he instituted in the Alpha & HTB world. This rule Nicky calls “the obligation to dissent.” For any leader looking to create a culture where both feedback and loyalty are values, this rule just might do the trick.

We hope you enjoy Nicky’s conversation with Rebecca Stewart.


Show Notes

Goldstar Partners

Leadership Conference

Blink by Malcolm Gladwe


Rebecca served on the staff at the HTB Group for 14 years, as Head of Alpha UK, COO and Group CEO, prior to which she worked in banking, consulting and head-hunting. Rebecca now works with charitable foundations and is the Vice-Chair of Alpha International. She is married to Alex and they have two children.

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What’s The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given? https://alpha.org/whats-the-best-advice-you-have-ever-been-given/ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 17:52:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4521 Advice. We’ve all been given some – whether welcomed or completely unsolicited! Of course, the best advice we receive often remains embedded in our memories like a wise word during times of confusion, or a gentle nudge in the right direction. The Bible tells us to “listen to counsel, receive instruction and accept correction” in […]

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Advice. We’ve all been given some – whether welcomed or completely unsolicited! Of course, the best advice we receive often remains embedded in our memories like a wise word during times of confusion, or a gentle nudge in the right direction. The Bible tells us to “listen to counsel, receive instruction and accept correction” in order to be wise (Proverbs 19:20.) We spoke to six leaders in their fields and asked them to share the best advice they have ever been given.

Kevin Walker, Superintendent of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Metropolitan District said,

“Simply this, be who God has designed you to be. There’s no one that can be the best you, except you. It’s been very freeing in my life because I can only be who God has designed me to be.”

In a world where social comparison often prompts us into cycles of unhealthy competition, this piece of advice is sure to keep us focussed on who we are in Christ. But what does that look like in the context of Church life and leadership? Sandy Millar, Bishop and Former Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton said;

“Most clergy overestimate what can be achieved in one year and underestimate what can be achieved in five. If you have the microphone twice a Sunday for five years, you can make a huge amount of difference – give yourself time.”

We’ve all wanted something bigger and faster than we probably should, underestimating the value of pacing ourselves along the journey. Instant gratification undoubtedly has the ability to stroke one’s ego, but there are potential dangers therein – as Father James Mallon, Author and Founder of Divine Renovation shared:

“I think of advice given by a good friend of mine who said, James, don’t believe your fans. Be careful what you listen to. Someone once said, if you let praise go to your head, you’ll let criticism go to your heart. Don’t believe your fans. Meaning, we need to surround ourselves with people who are going to speak truth to us, who are not enamoured by us, people who know who we really are as opposed to who people think we are.”

Author and speaker, Margaret Feinberg echoes Father James’ sentiments about keeping good company. She said;

“If you work with good people it just breathes life and hope and joy and consistency. So, when you find those good people, keep them really close!”

And for those of us who have entered into the ultimate friendship in marriage, Nicky & Sila Lee Founders of The Marriage Course and Associate Vicars at Holy Trinity Brompton talked to us about dating!

“A year after we got married, we went away on a weekend with an older, wise married couple and they said; in order to keep the love, the fun, the friendship and the romance alive in your marriage over a lifetime, never stop dating each other. Have a date night once a week. It has probably been the single most significant thing, the best investment we have made in our marriage.”

Inspiring thoughts there from friends of Alpha. Why not click on the links below and share this post with your friends!

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Cardinal Luis Tagle https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-cardinal-luis-tagle/ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 16:32:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4518 For this conversation, we are sharing a favorite from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Cardinal Luis Tagle from 2017. In this podcast, Cardinal Luis Tagle discusses not taking yourself too seriously, the power of storytelling & what helps him hold leadership lightly. For today’s conversation, we are sharing a favorite from […]

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For this conversation, we are sharing a favorite from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Cardinal Luis Tagle from 2017. In this podcast, Cardinal Luis Tagle discusses not taking yourself too seriously, the power of storytelling & what helps him hold leadership lightly.

For today’s conversation, we are sharing a favorite from the Leadership Conference archives. This is Nicky’s conversation with Cardinal Luis Tagle from 2017.

To grow in love and respect for Cardinal Tagle, you need only watch him speak for a few moments. The audio of this interview doesn’t quite do justice to showing the joyful man he is. Cardinal Tagle is profoundly emotional – easily caught with an ear-to-ear smile on his face, or empathetic tears in his eyes. And in this conversation, Nicky brilliantly draws wisdom from the deep well of this experienced Christian leader.

Nicky begins by asking Cardinal Tagle how he was able to organize an event with Pope Francis that hosted over 6 million people. The Cardinal laughs his way through a response, explaining the complexities of such an endeavour, ultimately bringing focus to the Holy Spirit as the one who orchestrated it. With the Cardinal’s laugh and grin as his prompter, Nicky asks why the Cardinal maintains such a humorous and light disposition with such great responsibility on his shoulders. Cardinal Tagle responds thoughtfully with an answer grounded in the gospel. “I am not the saviour of the world. The Savior has already come. So, I can laugh at my own mistakes. I take Jesus seriously, but I take myself and other things lightly,” he says.

Cardinal Tagle goes on to talk about the difficult duty of pastoring people in the midst of suffering. He honestly explains his inclination to try and solve people’s problems, and with great empathy, shares that most people don’t need that. “Problems need solutions, but dilemmas require the finding of meaning. Most people come with dilemmas” says the Cardinal. He exhorts those who are in a position of helping the sufferer, to help them find meaning in their hurt, instead of pining only after solutions.

The remainder of the interview contains a tear-jerking story that Cardinal recounts about the Pope in the Philippines, the challenge he often gives to the business leaders he encounters, and the importance of looking for Jesus’ presence and hope in suffering. From start to finish, this interview brims with practical wisdom, deep theological insight and emotive stories making it a must listen for any leader looking to put Christ at the centre of their leadership.

We hope you enjoy Nicky’s conversation with Cardinal Luis Tagle.


Show Notes

Leadership Conference

Caritas Internationalis

Catholic Biblical Federation


Cardinal Luis Tagle is currently living in Rome working as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. He was the 32nd Archbishop of Manila from 2011 to 2020. Today he also serves as the president of Caritas International, a federation of Catholic relief, development, and social service organizations, and of the Catholic Biblical Federation. More recently in 2021, he has become a member of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See.

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Leadership Conversations with Nicky Gumbel Podcast: Guvna B https://alpha.org/leadership-conversations-with-nicky-gumbel-podcast-guvna-b/ Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:11:00 +0000 https://alphatheme.wpengine.com/?p=4523 In this episode, Nicky and Pippa are joined by multi-award winning rap artist and author Isaac Borquaye – more widely known as Guvna B to discuss the power of words, what the younger generation really wants & the best response to issues of inequality. For today’s conversation, Nicky and Pippa sit down with multi-award winning […]

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In this episode, Nicky and Pippa are joined by multi-award winning rap artist and author Isaac Borquaye – more widely known as Guvna B to discuss the power of words, what the younger generation really wants & the best response to issues of inequality.

For today’s conversation, Nicky and Pippa sit down with multi-award winning rap artist and author Isaac Borquaye – more widely known as Guvna B.

The interview begins with Isaac sharing about how growing up on a council estate in East London shaped his life. Though the community was tight-knit and embracing, Isaac describes how easy it would have been for him to have ended up in a life of crime and violence. “It was guns or Jesus,” said Issac. But due to the influence of his family, friends and an encouraging primary school teacher, Isaac instead chose to live what he calls “a more positive life.” Nicky and Pippa highlight with gratitude the primary school teacher who saw more than a playground-rap-battler in Isaac, but the positive and creative influence he is today.

The conversation pivots to the topic of the next generation – how to connect with young people, and what they really long for. All of Isaac’s responses to Nicky and Pippa’s questions about youth resound with one key theme – authenticity. “Young people are getting so good at sniffing out when something isn’t authentic” said Isaac. The three of them discuss how the “put together” expert at the front is no more, and how a young person is just looking for someone who is willing to humbly journey alongside them.

The interview closes with the three of them confronting the sad reality of inequality inside and outside of the church. Isaac truthfully recounts his experience with unequal treatment, while still maintaining a loving and hopeful disposition. He asks people not to externalize issues of inequality, but to give space for healthy introspection; to honestly evaluate, with the help of the Spirit, how one might be contributing to the problem and how one can be a part of a fresh wave of healing. Isaac makes a specific call for the Church to be a leader in this – he says “Imagine if the world reflected what the church is leading in and not the other way around.”

Throughout each portion of the conversation – whether talking about how to influence the next generation, issues of inequality or the music industry – Isaac exudes a refreshing message of hope for the future. We hope you experience that sense of hope as you listen to Nicky and Pippa’s conversation with Isaac Borquaye.


Show Notes

Unspoken by Isaac Borquaye

Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko


Isaac Borquaye (Guvna B) is an author and multi award-winning, record-breaking urban rap artist from London. He has carved out a unique place for himself in the music world, and his other artistic endeavours draw on his personal experiences of life in London, bringing together themes of faith, masculinity and identity.

Since winning his first MOBO Music Award at just 20 years old, Guvna’s journey has been one of breathless success and cutting-edge creativity. In a world often plagued by negativity, Guvna B hopes that he can be a beacon of light. His work is intended to demonstrate the strength and inspiration faith can bring.

He lives in London with his wife and son.

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